Wednesday, December 07, 2011

This is your life, this is your time

Recently I got my iPhone 4s and I wasted no time toying with Siri. Of course when you're in a bad mood it helps that whenever you curse and swear there's always an annoying reply.. which makes you curse and swear all the more.

Played around with the camera lomo-typed effects a lot. Gave up on Golden Half because you need a film and the time to develop - but this is instant which i loveee.

Was testing the front camera. It was a super CMI shot. But thanks to camera apps. It became a less-CMI shot. Not none. Just less.

Okay here's another shot with the awesome camera effects thingy.
Kx at Wild Honey Scotts Square

So amazing! Haha. Yes, I am a laggard and I have just recently discovered the wonders of the iPhone and the range of apps it offers.

iPhone craze/obsession aside, I love this music video featuring Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Levitt. Three words to describe.

Quirky, offbeat and uplifting. Well, at least for me. Well if you have 3 minutes of time to kill. Here ya go.


MiloDino123 said...
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MiloDino123 said...

Hello!!! I've not visited your blog since like forever but here I am now and wahlao your random penguin thingy made me laughed so bad. It's hilarious and kooky at the same time LOL I tried to make them walk towards each other but they didn't just crash and collapse into each other leh ): whyyyy?

MiloDino123 said...

Oh first one got grammar error so I removed it LOL

pohyu said...

HAHA YES the penguins are annoying! Fling them in different directions out of the screen! They are like zombies. But cuter.