Thursday, July 29, 2010

You know, I normally hate to keep complaining on my blog but..

Seriously. This. Semester. Sucks. 5 freaking projects. And one of the modules is crazy assed busy with weekly summary and reflections reports plus individual analysis of skills. Not to mention BIG individual assignment to hand in next week. Oh yeah plus dumb EC Policy.

If you don't get what I mean, seriously. Don't try to - it's not worth racking your brain.

Anyway, endless days of sleeping poorly, eating for the sake of eating and not enjoying (a first for a long time) and mugging for equally stupid Market Research test, I am ultimately beat.
Psst. MR was stupid because the two questions all came out from Chapter 1. WTH right, I crammed 4 other chapters into my brain like siao for nothing.

-----ends endless, negative, depressing, sian, RAHH-like-feeling rant--------

Anyway, I watched Cracks recently, starring Eva Green and it was well. Disturbing. Not horror-disturbing, but the unsettling kind of feeling that messes with your mind. Oh well. Nevertheless, I thought the visuals was all really good, the ultimately chic Miss G keeps people entranced and the scenery was beautiful - England in the 1930s... I think.

Can't wait to shop. One thing that I haven't change and never will is the love for shopping. Pretty shoes, awesome clothes, yeahhh!

Hell of a headache coming on. WAHHHHH MOMMYYY!!!

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